Seeing as how I would say that a "Pale Ale" is by far my favorite type of beer overall, it should come as little surprise that I am going to say, "I loved this beer." So, allow me to get that out of the way, "I loved this beer." Bell's makes a quality product I must admit. In my book they are 2 for 2 in the great beers category (The Pale Ale mentioned in this review and the Amber). The flavor goes well with food or just by itself. A little hop and a little malt and a whole lotta delicious! Drink it, love it, Bell's Pale Ale!
Beer consumed at: Friend's HouseBeer consumed from: Bottle
Beer rating: 9 (it would be a 10 if it were about 2 dollars cheaper)
I love Bell's anything, really. They have a great amber, a great porter, and a great pale ale. Reminds me I need to pick up a 12 pack.
I have since this review also had the IPA from Bell's - also delicious! I think it is called Two Hearted Ale.
I think the pale ale is my favorite, with the IPA/Amber tying for second. SIGH.
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